MARKET Information
Commodities LIst
Commodities symbols are created in three parts: the root symbol, the month code and the year code.
The month code – each month is represented with a single letter as displayed below:
F – January | J – April | N – July | V – October |
G – February | K – May | Q – August | X – November |
H – March | M – June | U – September | Z – December |
The year code – is displayed as one digit. Hence 2009 would be displayed as 9, and 2010 as 0.
For example: Crude Oil December 2010 would be displayed as CLZ0.
CL is the commodity code
Z is the month of December
0 is for the year 2010
CME Contract Trading Codes. CME Contract Trading Codes. Codes and abbreviations may vary by exchange and data vendor.
Currencies | ||||
Commodity | Contract Size | Symbol | Min Fluctuation | Deliv Months |
Australian Dollar | 100,000 AD | A6 | $0.0001 ($10.00) | H,M,U,Z |
British Pound | 62,500 BP | B6 | $0.0001 ($6.25) | H,M,U,Z |
Canadian Dollar | 100,000 CD | D6 | $0.0001 ($10.00) | H,M,U,Z |
Euro-Currency | 125,000 Euros | E6 | $0.0001 ($12.50) | H,M,U,Z |
Mini Euro Curency | 62,500 Euros | E7 | $0.0001 ($6.25) | H,M,U,Z |
Japanese Yen | 12.5 mil Yen | J6 | .00005 cents ($6.25) | H,M,U,Z |
Mini Japan. Yen | 6.25 mil Yen | J7 | .0001 cents ($6.25) | H,M,U,Z |
US Dollar Index | $1000 x Index | DX | .005 ($5.00) | H,M,U,Z |
Energies | ||||
Commodity | Contract Size | Symbol | Min Fluctuation | Deliv Months |
Crude Oil | 1,000 barrels | CL | $0.01 ($10.00) | All |
Crude Oil (mini) | 500 barrels | QM | $.025 ($12.50) | All |
Heating Oil | 42,000 gallons | HO | $0.0001 ($4.20) | All |
Natural Gas | 10,000 mmBtu | NG | $0.001 ($10.00) | All |
Natural Gas (mini) | 2,500 mmBtu | QG | $0.005 ($12.50) | All |
Unl. Gas (RBOB) | 42,000 gal | RB | $0.0001 ($4.20) | All |
Financials | ||||
Commodity | Contract Size | Symbol | Min Fluctuation | Deliv Months |
3 Mo Eurodollars | $1 million | GE | .01 ($25.00) | H,M,U,Z |
T-Notes 10 yrs | $100K note | ZN | 1/2 of 1/32 ($15.625) | H,M,U,Z |
US T-Bonds | $100K bond | ZB | 1/32 ($31.25) | H,M,U,Z |
Financials | ||||
Commodity | Contract Size | Symbol | Min Fluctuation | Deliv Months |
3 Mo Eurodollars | $1 million | GE | .01 ($25.00) | H,M,U,Z |
T-Notes 10 yrs | $100K note | ZN | 1/2 of 1/32 ($15.625) | H,M,U,Z |
US T-Bonds | $100K bond | ZB | 1/32 ($31.25) | H,M,U,Z |
Grains | ||||
Commodity | Contract Size | Symbol | Min Fluctuation | Deliv Months |
Corn | 5,000 Bushels | ZC | 1/4 cent ($12.50) | H,K,N,U,Z |
Oats | 5,000 Bushels | ZO | 1/4 cent ($12.50) | H,K,N,U,Z |
Rough Rice | 2000 cwt | ZR | 1/2 cent ($10.00) | F,H,K,N,U,V,Z |
Soybeans | 5,000 Bushels | ZS | 1/4 cent ($12.50) | F,H,K,N,Q,U,X |
Mini-Beans | 1,000 bushels | XK | 1/8 cent ($1.25) | F,H,K,N,Q,U,X |
Soybean Meal | 100 tons | ZM | $0.10 ($10.00) | F,H,K,N,Q,U,V,Z |
Soybean Oil | 60,000 lbs | ZL | $0.0001 ($6.00) | F,H,K,N,Q,U,V,Z |
Wheat | 5,000 Bushels | ZW | 1/4 cent ($12.50) | H,K,N,U,Z |
Wheat (Kansas) | 5,000 Bushels | KW | 1/4 cent ($12.50) | H,K,N,U,Z |
Livestock | ||||
Commodity | Contract Size | Symbol | Min Fluctuation | Deliv Months |
Lean Hogs | 40,000 lbs | HE | 0.025c/lb ($10.00) | G,J,M,N,Q,V,Z |
Live Cattle | 40,000 lbs | LE | 0.025c/lb ($10.00) | G,J,M,Q,V,Z |
Feeder Cattle | 50,000 lbs | GF | 0.025c/lb ($12.50) | F,H,J,Q,U,V,X |
Milk | 200,000 lbs | DL | 0.01c/cwt ($20.00) | All |
Indices | ||||
Commodity | Contract Size | Symbol | Min Fluctuation | Deliv Months |
Dow Jones | $10 x Index | DJ | 1 pt ($10.00) | H,M,U,Z |
Dow (Mini) | $5 x Index | YM | 1pt ($5.00) | H,M,U,Z |
Nasdaq 100 | $100 x Index | ND | .25 pt ($25.00) | H,M,U,Z |
Nasdaq (Mini) | $20 x Index | NQ | .25 pt ($5.00) | H,M,U,Z |
S&P 500 | $250 x Index | SP | .10 pt ($25.00) | H,M,U,Z |
S&P (Mini) | $50 x Index | ES | .25 pt ($12.50) | H,M,U,Z |
Metals | ||||
Commodity | Contract Size | Symbol | Min Fluctuation | Deliv Months |
Copper | 25,000 lbs | HG | $0.0005 ($12.50) | F,H,K,N,U,Z |
Gold | 100 oz | GC | $0.10 ($10) | G,J,M,Q,V,Z |
Mini-Gold | 32.2 oz | YG | $0.10 ($3.22) | G,J,M,Q,V,Z |
Palladium | 100 oz | PA | $0.05 ($5) | H,M,U,Z |
Platinum | 50 oz | PL | $0.10 ($5) | F,J,N,V |
Silver | 5,000 oz | SI | $0.005 ($25.00) | F,H,K,N,U,Z |
Mini-Silver | 1,000 oz | SIL | $0.01 ($10.00) | F,H,K,N,U,Z |
Softs | ||||
Commodity | Contract Size | Symbol | Min Fluctuation | Deliv Months |
Cocoa | 10 tonnes | CC | $1 ($10) | H,K,N,U,Z |
Coffee | 37,500 lbs | KC | 0.05 cents ($18.25) | H,K,N,U,Z |
Cotton | 50,000 lbs | CT | 0.01 cents ($5.00) | H,K,N,V,Z |
Lumber | 110 K bd ft ** | LB | $0.10 ($11.00) | F,H,K,N,U,X |
Orange Juice | 15,000 lbs | OJ | 0.05 cents ($7.50) | F,H,K,N,U,X |
Sugar #11 | 112,000 lbs | SB | 0.01 cents ($11.20) | H,K,N,V |
Margin Requirements
Futures margin is the amount of money that you must deposit and keep on hand with your broker when you open a futures or futures option position. It is not a down payment and you do not own the underlying commodity. Futures margin generally represents a smaller percentage of the notional value of the contract and may change at any time as determined by the exchange, clearing FCM or Paragon Investments, a subsidiary of Pinion Risk Management LLC.
About Us
The Breitinger & Sons difference
Paragon Investments, a subsidiary of Pinion Risk Management LLC, (dba Breitinger & Sons) is a family-operated business devoted to agricultural and financial commodity futures trading and brokerage. In 2012, Walt Breitinger, his sons and staff joined with Paragon Investments to further enhance the offerings available to their clients. We are in this business because analysis of worldwide political and economic events can be extraordinarily fascinating and financially rewarding. Our goal is to combine our interest in the natural, physical, and social sciences into a matrix which helps assess supply, demand, and price trends of natural resources.